
Post Apocalyptic Truck Trail

Approved for Ages 6+

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  4. Post Apocalyptic Truck Trail

Post Apocalyptic Truck Trail - survive in the new wilderness!

Post Apocalyptic Truck Trail is an exciting racing game in which you'll be able to drive a rusty truck over a crumbling track in a post-apocalyptic environment.

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So, in this challenging game environment, all your skill is needed! Balance your car well and always adapt your speed to the environment to get to your destination. Show your skills in rough terrain like in a truck trial competition. Take good care of your vehicle and avoid hitting obstacles, otherwise your truck will be destroyed.

Controls: In Post Apocalyptic Truck Trail, use the arrow keys to control your truck.

Depending on how well you get through the 30 levels, you'll get a score at the end. In the best case, you'll win three stars. These stars not only provide an incentive to keep improving yourself, but you can also use them to buy new trucks in the level selection screen. Just click on the icon below that shows a truck.  

Other interesting truck games

If you liked Post Apocalyptic Truck Trail, why not play Ultimate Offroad?

Now let's go off-road! Brave all dangers and play Post Apocalyptic Truck Trail online for free on KibaGames!

Details about

Post Apocalyptic Truck Trail

  • Online since: 22.|12.|2022
  • Publisher: Bitent (246)
Post Apocalyptic Truck Trail
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