
Stellar Style Spectacle Fashion

Approved for Ages 12+

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  4. Stellar Style Spectacle Fashion

Stellar Style Spectacle Fashion - Journey into the future of fashion!

Stellar Style Spectacle Fashion is a futuristic dress-up game in which you can put together crazy future outfits.

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Flying cars whizz through the air and holograms light up everywhere - welcome to the future! After your time travel, a new task awaits you as a stylist: Dress up four friends for a glamorous futuristic party.

Accept the challenge and create extravagant looks. Choose from dresses and ensembles with metallic fabrics, unusual cuts and colorful accents. Round off the outfits with matching accessories, expressive make-up and futuristic hairstyles.

Each of the four friends has her own style and offers you a wide selection of clothes that you can mix and match. Let your creativity run wild and put together stylish outfits to suit your taste or reproduce cool looks from your favorite sci-fi films, series and books!

More lifestyle games for sci-fi fans

If you enjoyed Stellar Style Spectacle Fashion, why not design futuristic outfits for the boarding school girls in Ever After High #Future?

Travel to the future and discover the fashion of tomorrow! Play Stellar Style Spectacle Fashion online for free now on KibaGames!

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Stellar Style Spectacle Fashion

Stellar Style Spectacle Fashion
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